Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Ho Twins

Jon's thoughts:  I just created portrait art of Emily and Natalie for the second time. Four years ago we created gorgeous traditional heirloom images in the studio and recently I had the great joy of photographing these beautifully close twin sisters around their home. Their father Don owns a successful business and takes lots of time to be a loving father whom the girls adore. Norma is a dedicated mother to all three of her angels (including their adorable dog Cacho). When I am with Norma and her girls I can sense the deep-rooted connection that will last their lifetimes. Having two close daughters myself, I am always touched by the bond between sisters. While the girls each have their own unique and stunning personality it is obvious that as twins they share a closeness and intimacy beyond what most siblings experience. It was so rewarding to be able to capture the love between the two sisters as well as for their devoted parents.

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